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  • mc68681p
  • mc68681p


7,88 $
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PDF MC68681P

Características Eléctricas: 150mA/5V/1U

Marca: No identificado

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  • Dual Asynchronous Reciiver/Transmitter IC
  • Features
  • M6800 Bus Compatible
  • Two, Independent, Full-Duplex Asynchronous
  • Receiver/Transmitter Channes
  • Maximum Data Transfer
  • 1X - 1 Mbps
  • 16X - 125 kbps
  • Quadruple-Buffered Receiver Data Registers
  • Double-Buffered Transmitter Data Registers
  • Independently Programmable Baud Rate for
  • Each Receiver and Transmitter
  • Selectable from :
  • 18 Fixed Rates : 50 to 38.4k Baud
  • One User-Defined Rate Derived from a
  • Programmable Timer/Counter
  • External 1X Clock or 16X Clock
  • Programmable Data Format
  • Five to Eight Data Bits plus Parity
  • Odd, Even, No Parity, or Force Parity
  • One, One and One-Half, or Two Stop Bits
  • Programmable in One-Sixteenth-bit Increments
  • Programmable Channel Modes
  • Normal (Full Duplex)
  • Automatic Echo
  • Local Loopback
  • Remote Loopback
  • Automatic Wakeup Mode for Multidrop Applications
  • Multifunction 6-Bit Input Port
  • Can Serve as Clock or Control Inputs
  • Charge-of-State Detection on Four Inputs
  • Multifunction 8-Bit Output Port
  • Individual Bit Set/Reset Capability
  • Outputs Can Be Programmable To Be Status/Interrup
  • Signals
  • Multifuntion 16-Bit Programmable Counter/Timer
  • Versatile Interrupt System
  • Single Interrupt Output with Maskable Interrpting
  • Conditions
  • Interrupt Vector Output on Interrup Acknowledge
  • Output Port Can Be Configured To Provide a Total
  • of up to Six Separate Wire-ORable Interrupt Outputs
  • Parity, Framing, and Overrun Error Detection
  • False-start Bit Detection
  • Line-Break detection and Generation
  • Detects Break Originating in the Middle of a Character
  • Start-End Break Interrupt/Status
  • On-Chip Crystal Oscillator
  • TTL Compatible
  • Single +5 - V Power Supply


No identificado

Características electricas: 150mA/5V/1U

Motorola * Integrated Circuit

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